Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Week in the Life

July 26, 2011

Once again, I am inspired by Ali Edwards and I am using her project, A Week in the Life as a springboard to restart blogging. Okay, I know, we will see how long this lasts. http://aliedwards.com/2010/01/week-in-the-life.html

This is a seven day recording of my life - the little moments that seem like nothing at the time but these are the moments that we all treasure. Right now, there are many stressors in my life. Sometimes there are more, sometimes there are less. At this moment, they are big. This is my way of appreciating what I have - my family and all the love that is here in our home. It is a way of recording my life - something for my children to look at in later years and hopefully, I will spark a few memories and they will remember how much they were loved.

So here I am on day #1 (July 25, 2011)

It is a self portrait - I would like to have at least one each day.

I ran into Margie at Starbucks. I am going to call her and set up some time together.
Then, on to meet Melissa and the Verizon guy. Melissa was at her new house and she and the Verizon guy were waiting for coffee. Melissa will move in this week. Her new house is so pretty and it will be perfect for her and my grandson.

and she will be a little closer...the closer the better for me!

I relaxed a little in the afternoon. Jen brought me more Starbucks - what a nice surprise! No, no palpitations - I am used to it.

Then, I decided I NEEDED to hear from Jeff. He is with a group from our church on a mission trip to Tennessee. Here is our text:

(excuse my punctuation mistake - after all this time with an iPhone, I still can't type on it!) That was all I needed - just to know Jeff was okay. Now, we could relax and watch a little TV.

And then it was raining so hard that it was coming through the screen and we couldn't hear the TV. We had just settled in when we heard from Jenny.

She wanted to know if I was bored. No, I wasn't bored. Well, she wanted to know if I would come and get a little bird she found outside of her work. He couldn't fly and she wanted us to rescue him. If you know me, you know what my answer was.

See how the other traffic has the green light? Michael was stopped at a red light when I took this photo. The sky was beautiful after the storm. The clouds were so low and the colors were beautiful.

So, Jen and her big heart were standing there waiting with the little bird. Michael said it was a barn swallow.

And, off we went to give the bird to people who know what to do with injured wildlife.

We will call tomorrow and see how the little bird does. That's it for day #1. See you tomorrow.


patricia said...

So happy you're blogging Nancy. We can challenge each other to keep at it. I'm trying. I feel like my life is so boring compared to other bloggers;-) Good luck and I loved your post!!!

Coll said...

So Sweet Nance

Marlene said...

Love your blog, Nancy!

Calico said...

I enjoyed reading your post! Motivates me to try and blog more!!!

presentpat said...

I'm a big blog reader...so happy to add you to my Google Reader!